Monday, September 17, 2007

Diatribes From The Left

Keith Olbermann: ‘Fox News Is Worse Than Al Qaeda’

Photo of Noel Sheppard.
By Noel Sheppard | September 10, 2007 - 12:26 ET

Chalk up another in a litany of absurd statements made by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

As part of an interview published in Playboy magazine's October issue, Olbermann actually said, "Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda."

I kid you not.

The entire disgraceful quote, offered as a teaser for the full interview at Playboy's website (be advised that pictures of scantily clad women exist on the page as well), was as follows (h/t Inside Cable News via Johnny Dollar):

Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda - worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

Imagine that. And this guy has his own show on MSNBC which is being broadcast live before "Sunday Night Football" on NBC.

How delightful. (end of article from

I don't need to say a lot about this. It kind of speaks for itself. Keith Olbermann is a propagandist who has no sensitivity towards the families of the victims of 9/11 or African Americans who have experienced awful tragedies from both Al Qaeda and KKK. Thanks Olbermann. You continue to be a class A Jerk.
