Thursday, November 15, 2007

If Democrats Had Any Brains...

I recently picked up Ann Coulter's new book. I have to admit, this women fascinates me. The first book I read by her was How to Talk to a Liberal (if you must), and the outlandish statements, which were so obviously there to rile up the Dems, had me rolling on the floor laughing.

Well, I had my hot cup of tea and I sat down and began to read. I started first with the Introduction as all readers should, and soon realized that she copied in this book all of her most outlandish statements or writings she'd ever done. "Career-enders" as the Dems would state and they have stated all throughout her career. All of the hilarious things she wrote every now and then in How to Talk to a Liberal are throughout this book. It was a laugh out loud experience from Cover to Cover.

Check it out here.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

badass Marine

Social Medicine

Social Medicine has been quite a hot topic lately. Hilary Clinton is one of the biggest advocates for it out of all of the Presidential hopefuls for 2008. I have spoken out very strongly against social medicine since I've known anything about it, but now I realize, I didn't really know what I was talking about. I recently had a collision with social medicine. As you know, I am a missionary and I live on a missionary budget. Thats........ not a lot.

I am currently seeking a religious workers visa to go to Australia as a missionary for a couple of years. Australia has some pretty rigid medical forms to be filled out by a doctor. It requires Hep A, B, and C tests as well as a chest x-ray. These are not cheap. But because of my annual income of about 2000 dollars, I was put on a sliding scale for low income families. I got the physical and blood tests for $250.00. Pretty amazing right? In normal circumstances outside of social medicine, it would have been about $650.00 for these tests.

Here's my beef with it all. When my wife went in, the same doctor that had seen me, saw her as well. He basically said, "Well, you know all this stuff on this form is to really keep you out of Australia, so, I don't really need to do the physical. I'll just fill in the blanks with the answers they'll want." Um.... I know I'm not paying a lot here, but you really should do it anyway. Well, I don't really have a right to be ungrateful, because I chose what we could afford.

My point is this; Hilary wants to come in and require you to have medical insurance. Require means that if you don't do it, she can have you arrested. Since when does a person that I employ have a right to tell me what to do. Social medicine makes bad doctors. Why should I be required to see them? Governments only requirement of me should be to uphold the law and protect the country. Not tell me what to do.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Diatribes From The Left

Keith Olbermann: ‘Fox News Is Worse Than Al Qaeda’

Photo of Noel Sheppard.
By Noel Sheppard | September 10, 2007 - 12:26 ET

Chalk up another in a litany of absurd statements made by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

As part of an interview published in Playboy magazine's October issue, Olbermann actually said, "Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda."

I kid you not.

The entire disgraceful quote, offered as a teaser for the full interview at Playboy's website (be advised that pictures of scantily clad women exist on the page as well), was as follows (h/t Inside Cable News via Johnny Dollar):

Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda - worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

Imagine that. And this guy has his own show on MSNBC which is being broadcast live before "Sunday Night Football" on NBC.

How delightful. (end of article from

I don't need to say a lot about this. It kind of speaks for itself. Keith Olbermann is a propagandist who has no sensitivity towards the families of the victims of 9/11 or African Americans who have experienced awful tragedies from both Al Qaeda and KKK. Thanks Olbermann. You continue to be a class A Jerk.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Time off.

I have to tell you that I'm going to be taking some time off from political blogging. Only about 1-1 1/2 weeks. I feel that my relationship with my first love (Jesus Christ) is suffering because of my zeal and love for politics. I need to get back where the Lord wants me.

To that end, I'd say that it's great that the immigration bill failed. Think up a better plan, George.

God Bless America!


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blood Money

We all know that corruption is a big part of politics. It always has been. Look back to Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion. That was filled with corruption. This quote is from one of my favorite pastors, Alistair Begg in reference to the resurrection cover up. “Now, as then people are prepared to pay dearly to explain the empty tomb without a resurrected Christ. So they provide money and they provide an insurance policy. If this report gets to the Governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble. How do you satisfy the Governor? More money!”

Speaking of money and corruption, I’d now like to focus on our favorite Clintons. This story is not yet being reported in the mainstream media and most likely won’t. I heard this story on Sean Hannity’s show today and was completely appalled. It seems that a former adviser, Dick Morris, is working hard now to bring down the Clintons and their horrendous ethics.

Dick spoke to Sean Hannity about where a lot of the money that the Clinton’s have comes from. It seems that a lot of money is coming from a company called InfoUSA which is a personal information distributing company. “This company, according to the NY Times, makes a significant portion of its income defrauding the elderly”, Says Dick Morris. InfoUSA has been using money to send the Clintons on personal vacations and filling their pockets. This is stockholder money!! They aren’t happy, you can imagine. Much of the money was also used for campaigns.

Stock Holder money for Clinton luxury. Pharisee money for blood. Hmm… not much has changed.

God Bless America!


By the way, if you want to see a picture of my wife and I, visit her blog at!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

Today, I write to you from one of my favorite cities in the U.S. I write to you from Denver, CO. It’s one of my favorite cities because it is absolutely gorgeous and I have wonderful friends that I stay with here. Memorial Day is a great day to enjoy with friends and I had the great honor to do that with very special friends who also took the time with me to remember what Memorial Day is really about.

Memorial Day is a day that was designed to honor those who have died for the United States and have served their country militarily. It is a very special day to me because I have a great love for this country and for those who have ensured its persistence of liberty. We live in a place that guarantees freedom and liberty for all, and that’s all guaranteed because of these men and women who have served, and many, given the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

Yesterday, a group of people on Orcas Island, WA expressed their hatred of our military and seemingly their own personal freedom. They went into a cemetery and burned the American flags decorating the grave and replaced them with white flags bearing the Nazi Swastika. In their own right, they are calling our military Nazis. If you want to know more information about the story, you can find it at

It’s extremely frustrating to see my own countrymen sitting in their nice comfortable leather chairs criticizing, with no end, the war in Iraq and Bush’s foreign policies. Don’t let these few irrelevant idiots paint the picture of America’s views of our military and our freedom. If you are thankful for your freedom, take the time this week to thank a veteran.

God Bless the Troops!!


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Is Amnesty really the answer?

I’m in beautiful Southern Colorado, about 45 minutes drive from the Great Sand Dunes. We’re surrounded by mountains in the San Luis Valley at one of the greenest times I’ve ever seen it. As beautiful as it is, it has its own problems with illegal immigrants. A U.S. Rep (Salazar) for this area has criticized Bush in the past for his legislation to up border security. This is farming country.

So let’s talk about this new Immigration Reform (Amnesty) Bill. The Republicans naively believe that this will fix the long and deep rooted problem of not securing the border which has had the consequence of 12-20 million illegals in our country now. The bill gives amnesty to those illegal immigrants currently residing in our country before securing the border. It also allows those given amnesty to bring over their extended family legally. I’m tired of people like Salazar who say that the immigrants will do jobs Americans won’t do. This is insulting to the American people. The reason you don’t really see Americans picking lettuce is because they want more than $5.15 an hour for it. This bill could result in many more millions coming into our country. They won’t be coming from just Mexico either. They will be swarming in from the Middle East. We will be importing people who hate us and want to see our demise! More gangs will be created and the crime rate will certainly go up. Wake up Bush! Wake up Congress!

Statistic of interest:

  • Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.


Please call your congressmen and tell them how you feel! You can do something.

God Bless America!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Whose Free Speech?

I’m am currently in beautiful Farmington, New Mexico. It’s very green here right now and the sun is shining. All right, on to the Politics…

Let me start today’s blog by saying that when I refer to the Constitution of the United States, I am referring to the rights of the American people. I’m not referring to terrorists detained by the U.S. I’m not referring to illegal immigrants. I’m referring only to the rights of the American people. I just wanted to make that clear from the start. Our Constitution does not extend arms to non-citizens. Now, on to what I have to say today.

Amendment I of the Bill of Rights states;

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This states that you have freedom of religion without Governmental interference. This states that you have freedom of speech. This states that you can march in protest of a Governmental decision as long as you do it peacefully.

I feel that this Amendment is broken on a regular basis by Liberals. The ACLU, a Liberal group, fights against free speech of Conservatives and continues to fight for the free speech of Liberals. Well, they are halfway right.

The ACLU supports NAMBLA, CAIR, and has supported KKK. If you are unfamiliar with NAMBLA, it is an organization that teaches and encourages men to practice pedophilia. CAIR is an Islamic extremist group that hates America and has expressed it through their actions in the past. The ACLU also attacked Chief Justice Moore in Alabama who placed the Ten Commandments outside the local courthouse and they won the suit.

The ACLU is continually supported and used by the Liberals in our Country. Not all Democrats are for them, so I will continue to use the word Liberals.

The ACLU is not for free speech. They, like the Liberals, are only for the free speech of those who support their views. Is this what the Founding Fathers meant? You decide.


Refer to quote in upper left hand corner of page.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In this Blog...

For me to write where I stand on Politics, it would be good for you to know where I am coming from. What events in my life led me to be the conservative Republican that I am.

I was born into a broken home. My mother used welfare money for alcohol, drugs, and sex. When I was about 5 years old, the social services took my sisters and I away and put us into foster care. I went through several foster homes before I was adopted when I was 11. In later conversations with my biological grandmother, I found out that my mother had wanted to abort me.

This is a very abridged account of my life. Being in many "social programs" has led me to see the corruption behind these awful tools. The more I looked at my life and saw the Government's hand, the more I became a firm believer that the less government there is, the more liberty there is.

I am a full time traveler. I'm a missionary. I live in the homes of people who invite us in, and I get to see how the government has affected them. I stay with Democrats and Republicans. I stay with Liberals as well as Conservatives. I see how these people live their lives. It's an incredible opportunity and gives me insight into many different walks of life.

Now, I want the opportunity to share these insights with those who are willing to listen.
In this blog, I will talk about current politics as well as past politics. I will talk about the Constitution and its ongoing role in politics and government.

God Bless the U.S.A.!
