Sunday, May 27, 2007

Is Amnesty really the answer?

I’m in beautiful Southern Colorado, about 45 minutes drive from the Great Sand Dunes. We’re surrounded by mountains in the San Luis Valley at one of the greenest times I’ve ever seen it. As beautiful as it is, it has its own problems with illegal immigrants. A U.S. Rep (Salazar) for this area has criticized Bush in the past for his legislation to up border security. This is farming country.

So let’s talk about this new Immigration Reform (Amnesty) Bill. The Republicans naively believe that this will fix the long and deep rooted problem of not securing the border which has had the consequence of 12-20 million illegals in our country now. The bill gives amnesty to those illegal immigrants currently residing in our country before securing the border. It also allows those given amnesty to bring over their extended family legally. I’m tired of people like Salazar who say that the immigrants will do jobs Americans won’t do. This is insulting to the American people. The reason you don’t really see Americans picking lettuce is because they want more than $5.15 an hour for it. This bill could result in many more millions coming into our country. They won’t be coming from just Mexico either. They will be swarming in from the Middle East. We will be importing people who hate us and want to see our demise! More gangs will be created and the crime rate will certainly go up. Wake up Bush! Wake up Congress!

Statistic of interest:

  • Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.


Please call your congressmen and tell them how you feel! You can do something.

God Bless America!


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